Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Insanity and the fitness challenge

Fellow TpTer and blogger Ms.BBZ is holding a fitness challenge in June.  Part of the challenge is an Instagram picture a day, which, yes, I have failed miserably!!  LOL  I started off with a bang, then completely fizzled out!  Now that school is out and I can't use that excuse anymore, I need to get it in gear and start back up!  Here it is if you'd like to join us!  Our hashtag is #PADfitness

The other part of the challenge uses the MyFitnessPal app (which is also online).  We have a small group that encourages one another.  We are able to see that the other person has fulfilled their daily allowance of calories and how much weight they have lost.

The cheers and words of fun and urging on are priceless.  With the app, you can put in what you ate and how many calories it was and how you exercised and how many calories you burned.

To get me started, I bought Zumba Core for the Xbox360 Kinect.  It is SO much fun!!  I look like a mad woman attempting their steps, but I sweat like crazy, which really surprises me!  I am only doing the short 20 minute workout!  (shhhh)

Then June 10 came along!  That's the day the ladies at church (mostly teacher friends) started Insanity.  Can I just say there is a REASON why it is called that?!!  My legs... every muscle is screaming at me at this moment!!  I am inwardly jumping up and down, because I am unable to do it at the moment, that I am on the interview committee at school and not able to go today! HAHA  But, really, I can't wait for the next class!!

I'll go ahead and post what I weigh now. 146.0  (YAY)  I started the week at 146.6  I am still eating about the same.  I am always under the caloric intake... always have been.  My big problem was that TpT came along and who has time to exercise when you are creating!  I needed to start moving again and it is paying off.  I am at the top my weight scale for my age/height and would prefer to be at the bottom of the scale, where my clothes will fit me better.  I couldn't wear my fitted outfits this year.  When I tried, I was very self conscious and not happy so I quit wearing the cute stuff.

Darn!! I just checked the height/weight chart and I was 2 pounds ABOVE the scale!  UGH!!!  So, there ya go!  I am going to try to lose ten pounds.  It puts me where I have ALWAYS been and where I feel best about myself.

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